Suzuki SX4 S-Cross vs Seat Arona

Suzuki SX4 S-Cross vs Seat Arona comparison
Suzuki SX4 S-Cross vs Seat Arona comparison

Ever wondered what is the difference between Suzuki SX4 S-Cross vs Seat Arona? We looked at some technical specifications of both small SUV’s and put them side by side to figure out their weaknesses and advantages.

Video comparison: Suzuki SX4 S-Cross vs Seat Arona

Basic info

Suzuki SX4 S-Cross

Manufacturer: Suzuki
Production: 2006 – present (second generation)
Class: Compact crossover SUV
Assembly: China, Hungary, India

Seat Arona

Manufacturer: SEAT
Production: 2017 – present (first generation)
Class: Subcompact crossover SUV
Assembly: Spain, Algeria

Exterior dimensions: SX4 vs Arona

Suzuki SX4 S-Cross vs Seat Arona: exterior dimension (length, width, height, wheelbase, ground clearance)
Suzuki SX4 S-Cross vs Seat Arona: exterior dimension (length, width, height, wheelbase, ground clearance)

Suzuki SX4 is quite a bit longer than Arona, 162 mm or 6.4 inches, to be exact. It is also 28 mm higher and has 34 mm longer wheelbase. Width is practically the same, 5 mm in favor of SX4.

The only measurement Seat beats Suzuki, as far as exterior dimensions are concerned, is ground clearance. Seat Arona has 10 mm higher ground clearance (190 mm) than Suzuki SX4 S-Cross (180 mm).

Luggage compartment and weight

Suzuki SX4 S-Cross vs Seat Arona: luggage compartment/cargo volume, weight
Suzuki SX4 S-Cross vs Seat Arona: luggage compartment/cargo volume, weight

Because Suzuki SX4 is larger on the outside compared to Arona, it is expected that its luggage compartment can store a bit more cargo, although the difference is really small.

Suzuki SX4 has 430 liters of cargo volume, while Seat Arona stands at 400 liters.

With rear seats folded down, Seat Arona shows its advantage over Japanese competitor, with a total cargo volume of 1.280 liters, or 11 liters more than SX4.

Curb weight of both vehicles in their basic motorization is the same, 1.090 kilograms.

Suzuki SX4 S-Cross vs Seat Arona engine & performance

Suzuki SX4 S-Cross vs Seat Arona performance: top speed, acceleration
Suzuki SX4 S-Cross vs Seat Arona performance: top speed, acceleration

Performance wise, there are only small differences between Suzuki SX4 vs Seat Arona. Seat is just a little bit faster, with top speeds between 172 km/h and 205 km/h, depending on the engine under the hood. Suzuki is only about few kilometers per hour slower in both, slowest and fastest version.

The difference is a little bigger in acceleration times from 0 to 100 kilometers per hour. Arona is on average about 1 second faster.

Suzuki vs Seat safety ratings

Suzuki SX4 S-Cross vs Seat Arona safety ratings (EuroNCAP crash test results)
Suzuki SX4 S-Cross and Seat Arona safety ratings (EuroNCAP crash test results)

Unfortunately safety ratings mentioned on the image above can not be directly compared due to the fact crash test were made in different years. 

Nevertheless, both Seat Arona and Suzuki SX4 S-Cross achieved 5-star EuroNCAP safety rating, which is an excellent result for these small SUV’s. Well done, Seat and Suzuki.

See also: SX4 vs Vitara

SX4 vs Arona price comparison

Suzuki SX4 S-Cross vs Seat Arona price in Germany and in the UKSuzuki SX4 S-Cross vs Seat Arona price comparison in Germany and in the UK
Suzuki SX4 S-Cross and Seat Arona price comparison in Germany and in the UK

SX4 and Arona are not available in the United States, so the price comparison is made only for Germany and the UK.

In both countries, Arona is a bit cheaper than SX4. The difference is much more noticeable in Germany (3.800 EUR), while in the UK you can get Arona for less than 1.000 pounds less.

Image credit: SEAT, Suzuki, World Auto Evolution Youtube Channel

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