Peugeot 5008 vs Peugeot 3008 SUV: is the length the only difference?

Peugeot 5008 vs Peugeot 3008 comparison
Peugeot 5008 vs Peugeot 3008 comparison

Peugeot converts its fleet to SUV because the current market demands for this segment of vehicles are huge. We believe they are being very successful at this, so we made a comparison between two of their freshest and hottest models, Peugeot 5008 vs Peugeot 3008.

Video comparison: Peugeot 5008 vs Peugeot 3008

Basic info

Peugeot 5008 SUV

Manufacturer: Peugeot
Production: 2009 – 2016 (first generation), 2017 – present (second generation)
Class: Mid-size SUV / crossover
Assembly: Rennes (PSA Rennes Plant, France)

Peugeot 3008 SUV

Manufacturer: Peugeot
Production: 2008 – 2016 (first generation), 2016 – present (second generation)
Class: Compact SUV / crossover
Assembly: Sochaux (PSA Sochaux Plant, France)

Exterior dimensions: 5008 vs 3008

Peugeot 5008 vs Peugeot 3008 exterior dimension length width height wheelbase ground clearance

Peugeot 5008 vs Peugeot 3008: exterior dimensions (length, width, height, wheelbase, ground clearance)

All the green squares on our image are on the side of the bigger Peugeot 5008. The biggest difference is in the length of the car and in the wheelbase, which suggests that 5008 compared to 3008 is primarily longer between both pairs of wheels.5008 SUV is also a bit higher, but most of the increment is at the expense of a higher ground clearance, 236 mm (9,3 inches) vs 219 mm (8,6 inches).

5008 SUV is also a bit higher, but most of the increment is at the expense of a higher ground clearance, 236 mm (9,3 inches) vs 219 mm (8,6 inches). The interesting fact is both of these values are among the highest in the vehicle class.

Interior dimensions: Peugeot 5008 vs Peugeot 3008

Peugeot 5008 vs Peugeot 3008 interior dimension headroom legroom shoulder room

Peugeot 5008 vs Peugeot 3008: interior dimensions (legroom, head room, shoulder room)

Unfortunately, we could not find probably the most interesting figure for the interior dimensions and that is the rear legroom. This number will definitely be updated when it will be published. All the other dimensions inside the cabin concerning front and 2nd-row passengers are practically identical which suggest Peugeot 5008 vs Peugeot 3008 are really very closely related to each other.

Luggage compartment: Peugeot 5008 vs 3008 SUV

Peugeot 5008 vs Peugeot 3008 luggage compartment cargo volume trunk size

Peugeot 5008 vs Peugeot 3008: luggage compartment

The difference in length must show somewhere and the luggage compartment is the best candidate for it. In both cars, you will have no bigger problems storing your cargo. All the numbers are no less than impressive, especially in Peugeot 5008 which can offer almost 2,000 liters of volume (VDA), very close to Skoda Kodiaq.

And yes, we must not forget to mention the extra pair of seats hidden in the bottom of the trunk in Peugeot 5008 SUV making it a quite spacious 7-seater.

Engines: Peugeot 5008 vs Peugeot 3008

Peugeot 5008 vs Peugeot 3008 engines petrol diesel power torque

Peugeot 5008 vs Peugeot 3008: engines (petrol, diesel, max power, max torque)

The similarity between Peugeot 5008 vs 3008 SUV continues under the bonnet. Both models share completely the same engine range, both petrol, and diesel. Since Peugeot 5008 is bigger than 3008, we would expect the power range starts and ends a bit higher, but Peugeot obviously decided to just copy and paste the engines from 3008 to 5008. Nothing wrong with that, of course.

Performance: 5008 vs 3008

Peugeot 5008 vs Peugeot 3008 performance top speed acceleration 0-100 kmh 0-62 mph

Peugeot 5008 vs Peugeot 3008: performance (top speed, acceleration 0-100 km/h, 0-62 mph)

The same engines in 5008 and 3008 can push both cars to the identical top speeds, from 174 km/h (108 mph) to 208 km/h (129 mph) in the fastest version. The acceleration from 0-100 km/h (0-62 mph) is a bit better in Peugeot 3008. Nothing unexpected, since it is a bit shorter and lighter.


Price: Peugeot 5008 vs Peugeot 3008

Peugeot 5008 vs Peugeot 3008 price germany united kingdom france

Peugeot 5008 vs Peugeot 3008: price comparison (Germany, UK, France)

Peugeot cars are not available in the United States. Comparing the base model price of 3008 and 5008 shows that 3008 is a bit cheaper than 5008 SUV. The smallest difference is in France, where the difference is only 3% while in Germany you have to pay almost 7% more for 5008 vs 3008.

Final comparison

So, is the difference between Peugeot 5008 vs 3008 only in length? We say yes. With all the good and bad things that come with it. With good things (in favor of 5008) we mean an extra pair of seats, bigger luggage compartment and spaciousness in the rear part of the vehicle in general. On the other hand, the smaller 3008 is a bit cheaper. And with the same engines, shorter wheelbase, and few kilograms less, it is probably a bit more fun to drive too.

Image credit: PeugeotWorld Auto Evolution Youtube Channel

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2 Comments on "Peugeot 5008 vs Peugeot 3008 SUV: is the length the only difference?"

  1. Peugeot will always be my best car manufacturing company

  2. THOMAS J JOHNSTON | April 18, 2018 at 7:37 am | Reply

    Why do car reviews always give luggage space size in liters try putting a 200liter water tank in a 500liter boot?, it will not fit . Give facts measurements from back of rear seats to back of car and from side to side narrow point and wide point also the height from floor to shelf and to roof. Then i and others can say well i can put that item in across the rear or it will not fit as i want it to and look at other cars .

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