2018 Range Rover Sport vs Velar difference (technical comparison)

Range Rover Sport vs Range Rover Velar comparison

For this comparison, we chose Range Rover Sport vs Range Rover Velar. On the outside, they have similar total length, although looking at them side by side Range Rover Sport appears to be much bigger. Must be the height that makes a much bigger impression.

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Video comparison – Range Rover Sport vs Velar

Welcome to the video comparison between Range Rover Sport vs Range Rover Velar.

Please note that this is only a technical comparison, based solely on technical data of both cars. Not a real-life Range Rover Sport vs Velar review.

Exterior dimensions: Sport is bigger

Range Rover Sport is longer, higher, wider compared to Velar
Range Rover Sport is longer, higher, and wider compared to Velar

Range Rover Sport is 4879 mm / 192,1 inches long, 2073 mm / 81,6 inches wide, 1811 mm / 71,3 inches high, and has 2923 mm / 115,1 inches long wheelbase. Its ground clearance is 213 mm / 8,4 inches.

Range Rover Velar is 4803 mm / 189,1 inches long, 1933 mm / 76,1 inches wide, 1665 mm / 65,5 inches high, and has 2874 mm / 113,1 inches long wheelbase. Its ground clearance is 213 mm / 8,4 inches.

That means that Range Rover Sport is 76 mm longer, 140 wider, 146 mm higher, with 49 mm longer wheelbase, and has exactly the same ground clearance compared to Range Rover Velar.

Luggage compartment: Sport vs Velar

Sport has bigger basic luggage volume, Velar wins when rear seats are folded down
Sport has bigger basic luggage volume, Velar wins when rear seats are folded down

Range Rover Sport has 780 liters of luggage volume (VDA, seats up). With rear seats folded down, the cargo capacity extends to 1686 liters.

On the other hand, Range Rover Velar has 673 liters of luggage volume (VDA, seats up). With rear seats folded down, the cargo capacity extends to 1731 liters.

Therefore, Range Rover Sport has 107 liters more volume when seats are up, and 45 less volume when the rear seats are folded down. Pretty surprising, isn’t it?

Range Rover Sport vs Range Rover Velar engines

Range Rover Sport gets more powerful engine range package
Range Rover Sport gets more powerful engine range package

The engine power of Range Rover Sport ranges from 249 HP / 183 kW to 575 HP / 423 kW. The maximum torque is available from 400 Nm / 295 lb.ft. to 740 Nm / 546 lb.ft.

Range Rover Velar engines are available from 180 HP / 132 kW to 550 HP / 405 kW. Depending on the engine, the maximum torque is available from 365 Nm / 269 lb.ft. to 700 Nm / 516 lb.ft.

As you can see, range Rover Sport is entitled to more powerful engine range, but that does not mean Velar engines are weak, far from that.

Sport vs Velar performance

More powerful engines provide the Sport better performance
More powerful engines provide the Sport better performance

The slowest Range Rover Sport has a top speed of 201 km/h / 125 mph, while the fastest version can go up to 283 km/h / 176 mph.

The slowest Range Rover Velar reaches the maximum speed of 193 km/h / 120 mph, and the fastest option available goes to 274 km/h / 170 mph.

Range Rover Sport accelerates from 0-100 kilometers per hour (0-62 miles per hour) between 7,9 (slowest version) and 4,5 seconds (quickest version).

The technical specification for Range Rover Velar shows that this car model accelerates from 0-100 kilometers per hour (0-62 miles per hour) between 8,9 (slowest version) and 4,5 seconds (quickest version).

Sport vs Velar price comparison

Velar is more affordable to buy
Velar is more affordable to buy

The prices and availability of the specific car model may vary from country to country, but based on the markets we monitor (USA, UK, Germany, and France), we can say that Range Rover Velar is more affordable to buy, comparing the base model price of both cars.

In some countries (UK, USA), this difference is twice as big as in others (Germany, France).


I know the difference can not be explained based purely on technical specifications of both cars. The main difference here is the purpose these two models are meant for.

For example, Range Rover Sport is more off-road oriented. Besides that, it can accommodate up to 7 people. On the other hand, Velar has a more sleek design, is more refined, more of an urban SUV. Probably closer to Porsche Macan.

★ ★ Credits: ★ ★
➜ Video Music: Inner Light by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1300021
Artist: http://incompetech.com/
➜ Original images are taken from the manufacturers and/or Euro NCAP press releases and transformed/resized for the purpose of research and comparison.

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